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How Attic Insulation Can Lower Your Energy Bill in the Winter

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Why Attic Insulation Is Important In The Winter
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The seasons are changing. Now that it’s getting colder, insulation will be our number one priority here for the next few months! We’ve been talking about controlling your attic temperature and situation all summer and all year. That’s still important, but as it gets more relaxed and we start running heaters, and the hot air rises and escapes out of your ceiling, windows, and attics, your insulation levels and consistency become very important.
Comfort is our number one goal, year-round. We want to help you be comfortable in your home all the time! But also, your energy bill is significant. In the extremes, when it’s really hot or freezing outside, you know your electricity bill can skyrocket. We can lower your electric bill in the summer, but we can also lower it in the winter too! Especially if you have electric heat.
The Difference Between Gas and Electric Heat
There’s a big difference between gas and electric heat systems and how they perform in winter. Insulation becomes a massive factor in how often you have to run your heating system. If you have electric heat, you want to look at your insulation.
This is especially true if you’re in a new house or a house that you haven’t yet spent a winter in and don’t know how it will perform. You can see your electric bill rise if you have to run your heater over and over and over in the winter. But whether you have electric or gas heat, your bill can be significantly lowered if you have the proper insulation.
Give us a call! We’ll come out and look at your insulation levels and see if they’re up to code or EnergyStar level. We’ll check out the insulation consistency over your whole house, across the house, and from room to room. Consistent insulation from room to room makes a big difference.