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What Should Humidity Be In a Home With Air Conditioning?

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
High levels of humidity can cause a multitude of problems, such as increased body heat, dehydration, or fatigue. Beyond causing issues for people, humidity can be disastrous for your home.
Thanks to modern technology, dehumidifiers, HVAC services, and attic insulation effectively control humidity levels in your home. However, these modern conveniences don’t always function correctly and wear down over time.
If left unchecked, humidity could lead to significant damage to your home. Read on to learn more about how you can mitigate humidity levels as a homeowner.
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What Exactly Is The Ideal Humidity For A Home?

The optimum humidity levels fall between 30 to 50 percent for most homes. If you’re noticing condensation, mold, or exasperated allergies, you could have high humidity in your home.
The best way to check if your home contains excess humidity is to test the air with a hygrometer. This device measures the relative humidity of any space (the amount of water in the air compared to the maximum amount that could be present at that temperature) and relays it as a percentage.
While you can notice the physical signs of humidity mentioned before, the surest way to tell the humidity level in your house is with a hygrometer.
How Long Do Dehumidifiers, Attic Insulation, and HVAC Services Last?
When you determine there’s too much humidity in your home, you might be wondering why these problems are occurring in the first place. Usually, this has to do with the lifespan of specific systems in a home, such as HVAC, attic insulation, or dehumidifiers.
How Long Does HVAC Last?
HVAC systems control the air conditioning and ventilation in your home. You can expect a standard HVAC unit to last about 15-25 years with no issues.
However, many factors affect this lifespan, including regular inspections, thermostat settings, and ductwork cleanliness. Contacting a contractor who provides quality HVAC services is the best way to increase your HVAC system’s longevity.
How Long Does Attic Insulation Last?
Attic insulation is quite durable and can last between 80-100 years if taken care of. However, if your home is experiencing humidity issues, your attic insulation will wear down much faster.
High moisture levels can cause attic insulation to decrease in quality in as little as 15 years. In places where humidity is high, the humidity level in your house in the summer could cause severe damage to your attic insulation.

How Long Do Dehumidifiers Last?
Dehumidifiers often last about five to 10 years. Different situations can either increase or decrease their lifetime.
Make sure to regularly clean your dehumidifier’s condensing coils and air filter. There’s only so much a homeowner can control, and proper maintenance of your appliances is one of them.
What Else Affects Humidity Levels In Your House?
Besides faulty hardware, humidity can come from other sources in and outside the home. Homeowners can control many of these smaller sources.
Leaky Pipes
You might not realize it, but leaky pipes can cause more than just water damage. If water leaks and stands in your home without being dealt with, it will eventually evaporate.
Water vapor will mix with the air in your home and raise the relative humidity. Over time, condensation will form, and humidity will only get worse. Fixing those leaks as soon as possible can save your home from potential damage.
Long Showers
While long, hot showers are relaxing, they can cause a ton of moisture to build in a short amount of time. Taking too many hot showers can drastically increase the humidity in your home.
Focus on taking shorter showers or using less hot water. Not only will it keep moisture levels down, but it’ll also help your water bill.
Indoor Plants

Believe it or not, indoor plants produce a ton of moisture. While they can add beautiful decoration to your home, having too many can wreak havoc on the humidity levels in your home.
While these might seem like minor issues, eventually, they can snowball into a more significant problem. Plus, all of these sources of moisture only make your dehumidifier, HCAV, or attic insulation work even harder.
It’s in your best interest as a homeowner to mitigate the risk from these sources as much as possible. Although, the best fix for humidity comes from professional services.
How To Decrease Humidity In Your Home
While all of the factors above can be controlled by a homeowner, hiring a professional is the only way to stop humidity issues in your home permanently. Here’s what an expert can do for you.
Perform Regular Maintenance On HVAC
Consistent HVAC services can make a huge difference in controlling humidity levels in your home. Performing a yearly tune-up and cleaning your ducts often is the best course of action.
Sometimes, the best thing to do is to replace your HVAC system entirely. It all depends on your needs as a homeowner and the status of your HVAC unit.
Install A Radiant Barrier In Your Attic
One of the best ways to control temperature and humidity in your home is a radiant barrier. This building material reflects thermal radiation and reduces heat accumulation in your attic.
Not only does this allow your insulation to last longer, but it cuts energy costs and increases the efficiency of your attic insulation. In turn, humidity issues decrease around your home as well.
Upgrade Your Dehumidifier
If your dehumidifier is filling up constantly or turning off randomly, it’s time for a new one. Consider upgrading to a more contemporary design, especially if it’s been longer than five years since the last one.
Contact A Professional To Help Attain Ideal Humidity
Dealing with humidity problems in your home is a hassle. It makes enjoying the comfort of your home nearly impossible, and it burns a hole in your wallet.
At Energy Attic, we have the tools and service to keep the humidity level in your house comfortable. Humidity is supposed to stay outside, and you deserve to keep your dream home comfortable and safe.